Featured Companies
The Excellence Awards celebrate the greatest achievements and innovations in the industry. The programme provides a platform to recognize the people and companies that are driving change.
Download the full report below
The Awards Report includes:
- Featured company profiles
- All category listings
- Shortlists
- Award winners
Our programme is designed to highlight excellence within the sector by looking at a range of corporate activities including deals, business projects and company initiatives, both internal and in the community.
Companies and institutions are evaluated based on their performance in key Areas of Excellence, with evidence from our own research and our ranking submission process.
The Awards, which are published in December, look solely at the research period with the winners recognised as the best-of-the-best for an outstanding project or projects from that period alone.
Our results are based on evidence gathered from a combination of (i) our own research, including news and data from the Verdict network and Global Data, and (ii) submissions.
All companies and institutions are invited to submit evidence to the rankings research via the submission of case studies through our short online form.